//System Media // using System.Media; //Declaration of variables // int clear = 1; decimal result, mresult = 0; string op; //Eval function // decimal eval(string op) { clear = 1; try { switch (op) { case "+": result = result + Convert.ToDecimal(label1.Text); break; case "-": result = result - Convert.ToDecimal(label1.Text); break; case "/": result = result / Convert.ToDecimal(label1.Text); break; case "*": result = result * Convert.ToDecimal(label1.Text); break; case "Mod": result = result % Convert.ToDecimal(label1.Text); break; default: result = Convert.ToDecimal(label1.Text); break; } } catch (System.OverflowException) { label2.Text = ""; label2.Text = "Overflow"; clear = 2; SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); } catch (System.DivideByZeroException) { label2.Text = ""; label2.Text = "Cannot divide by zero"; clear = 2; SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); } return result; } //Clear function // int Clear(int cl) { switch (cl) { case 1: { label1.Text = ""; }break; case 2: { label1.Text = ""; label2.Text = ""; op = ""; }break; case 3: { label1.Text = ""; label2.Text = label2.Text.Remove(label2.Text.IndexOf('r')); }break; case 4: { label1.Text = ""; label2.Text = label2.Text.Remove(label2.Text.IndexOf('s')); }break; case 5: { label1.Text = ""; label2.Text = label2.Text.Remove(label2.Text.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1); }break; } return 0; } //Button 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9(replace the 0 with the other numbers) // clear = Clear(clear); if (label1.Text.Length < 28) label1.Text = label1.Text + "0"; else SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); //Button "." // if (label1.Text.Contains('.')) { SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); } else label1.Text = label1.Text + "."; //Button +,-,/,*,Mod(replace the + with the other operators) // if (clear == 3 || clear == 4 || clear == 5) label2.Text = label2.Text + " + "; else label2.Text = label2.Text + label1.Text + " + "; label1.Text = eval(op).ToString(); op = "+"; //Button 1/x // if (label2.Text.Contains("reciproc")) { label2.Text = label2.Text.Insert(label2.Text.IndexOf('r'), "reciproc("); label2.Text = label2.Text.Insert(label2.Text.IndexOf(')'), ")"); } else label2.Text = label2.Text + "reciproc(" + label1.Text + ")"; label1.Text = (1 / Convert.ToDecimal(label1.Text)).ToString(); clear = 3; //Button √ // if (label2.Text.Contains("sqrt")) { label2.Text = label2.Text.Insert(label2.Text.IndexOf('s'), "sqrt("); label2.Text = label2.Text.Insert(label2.Text.IndexOf(')'), ")"); } else label2.Text = label2.Text + "sqrt(" + label1.Text + ")"; label1.Text = Math.Sqrt(Convert.ToDouble(label1.Text)).ToString(); clear = 4; //Button % // label1.Text = (result * Convert.ToDecimal(label1.Text) / 100).ToString(); label2.Text = label2.Text + label1.Text; clear = 5; //Button ± // if (label1.Text.Contains('-')) { label1.Text = label1.Text.Remove(label1.Text.IndexOf('-'), 1); } else label1.Text = "-" + label1.Text; //Button = // if (clear != 3 && clear != 4 && clear != 5) label2.Text = label2.Text + label1.Text; label1.Text = eval(op).ToString(); clear = 2; //Button C // Clear(1); clear = 1; label1.Text = "0"; //Button CE // Clear(2); clear = 1; label1.Text = "0"; result = 0; //Button MS // mresult = Convert.ToDecimal(label1.Text); clear = 1; label3.Text = "M"; //Button MR // label1.Text = mresult.ToString(); clear = 1; //Button M+ // mresult = mresult + Convert.ToDecimal(label1.Text); clear = 1; label3.Text = "M"; //Button M- // mresult = mresult - Convert.ToDecimal(label1.Text); clear = 1; label3.Text = "M"; //Button MC // mresult = 0; clear = 1; label3.Text = ""; //Label1 TextChanged Event // if (label1.Text.Length <= 20) { Font font = new Font("Consolas", 14, FontStyle.Regular); label1.Font = font; } else if (label1.Text.Length > 20 && label1.Text.Length <= 26) { Font font = new Font("Consolas", 11, FontStyle.Regular); label1.Font = font; } else { Font font = new Font("Consolas", 9, FontStyle.Regular); label1.Font = font; }
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